Brushstrokes Lake of Albano and Castle Gandolfo A poem in reponse to John Robert Cozens' painting. 'Lake of Albano and Castle Gandolfo'
Brushstrokes A study of clouds From a sequence about the paintings of Alexander and John Robert Cozens. This poem responds to Alexander Cozens' painting 'Study of Sky No. 4 with Landscape'
Brushstrokes Grange at the head of Derwent Water The first in my series. 'Towne's Light', about Francis Towne's paintings of the Lake District
Brushstrokes Ambleside The second poem in my sequence about Francis Towne's paintings of the Lake District
Brushstrokes Derwentwater, looking south From 'Towne's Light', a sequence of poems about Francis Towne's paintings of the Lake District
Brushstrokes The bow From a sequence of ekphrastic poems responding to Turner's paintings of rainbows
Brushstrokes A shower on Buttermere From my sequence of poems responding to Turner's paintings of rainbows.
Word and Image Featured Wreck A poem inspired by Barbara Hepworth, written after seeing a wrecked boat on the Camel Estuary in Cornwall.