
I sleep dreaming of birds
and wake to birds answering
my dreams of sleep


The roof of this church
is rustling green - its pillars
sway with the wind


From the broken egg
the spilt deep yellow yolk -
so much life withheld


Fern-frond, wing-motion,
bud-growth, leaf-pattern, blossom -
brief flirtations


Stars rise in the grass,
a firmament of green
lit up by yellow


On the apple tree
tight buds unfurl their promise
of sharp autumn fruit


The lawn is a quilt;
thousands of daisies print it
with points of light


Warm tilth between weeds -
a butterfly, self-poised
on the nettle’s tip


A vast white light whelms
thirsty leaves and famished ground -
secretive shadows


The lightest shower
pit-patters on grateful leaves -
shy spirit returning


A robin hops across
the threshold, alert and wet
from the fresh spring rain


The whole wide beauty
is freshened by fallen rain -
the wet leaves sparkle


You cannot curb it -
spring is here, sprouting long grass
you will never mow


Threaded with patience
in a long and lasting chain -
the daisies of hope


Through summer haze
across three quiet meadows
the sound of bells


A tuneful chatter -
days, joined by wordless birds,
are filled with music


Golden bark peels off
dry as curling skin, and shines
milky white beneath


Under the cherry trees
petals are harbingers
strewn like summer snow


They are silent
as snow, drifting to the ground -
oh, the years passing


The hedges swarm
with ferns and campion
at the dream-lane’s edge


As sudden as rage
it flares up from the border,
this creative fire


The buttercup field
is still an idea
in the mind of summer


A bee hides
in the lowest bell and sips-
time spires upward


The red fox is a jagged shape
printing the field
with sharp-edged shadow


As the sun goes down
the orchard is resigned - but
long shadows remember


Silence by the ponds
Even the lambs are quiet -
in this valley, peace


Scent of meadowsweet
earth’s dampness, darkness, deepness -
evening silence


A white plume rises -
summer’s signature, catching
autumn’s bitter drift


Scent of wild garlic
wet bracken, autumn bonfires -
everything passes


Light slowly withdraws -
the cat prowls, a moving shape
among still shadows


The moon is watching
the silver gate. All is hushed -
it will soon be night


Darkness has fallen
the vale is a quiet well
waiting for sound


Owl-calls at midnight
in tune with the scattered stars -
a half-moon listens